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Delta Steamist TSG_SM_Controls > Steamist TSCH Chroma Sense Option
Steamist TSCH Chroma Sense Option

Orig. Price: $800.00
Sale Price: $560.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: TSCH-Only

A single control module can be connected to the TSCH , providing the user with access to ChromaSense Only, Audio Sense Only, or both ChromaSense and AudioSense options. In Chrome. Secondary light package add $329.00. Optional designer trim ring $70.00 For use with 450 or 550 Control Packages

ChromaSense enables the user to set mood and/or take advantage of the proven benefits of chromatherapy. A single overhead fixture is provided, which can produce "white light" as well as any of the six color effects, each of which is associated with a different state of mind.

